Thursday, July 14, 2011

The MDC is lying, Tendai Biti bombed his own home

During the second world war Britain sought to lead German intelligence astray. An elaborate ruse, Operation Mincemeat, was set out. The Allies intended to attack Sicily but wanted to throw the Germans off the scent by having them believe they were readying to invade Greece and Sardinia. This deception being successful, the Germans would saddle the might of their forces readying for a battle that would never be whilst the allies simply marched into a less fortified Sicily given the troops committed to the imagined imminent attack. The full account of events is intriguing and a most impressive display of military intelligence and the power the comes from being able to correctly anticipate your opponent.

The winds of righteousness were clearly behind the Allies; Hitler was a bad man by any standard. Operation Mincemeat gives us important teaching which we must grasp if we are to gain a better and more beneficial understanding of the world around us. The good lie, they cheat;yes, even the good deceive. This in pursuit of greater good. We must never be so naive as to believe that the forces of good are wholly so and that all they say is yes and amen. They too employ machinations and tricks, so far as they are able, in an effort to hoodwink and overcome their adversaries.

It is not blasphemous to suggest that MDC could have lied. They can lie and in fact THEY HAVE lied in the past. These matters are well documented and we need not engage in needless debate. But for the purposes of completeness a quick example will serve us well. Some time ago Morgan Tsvangirai visited Western capitals supposedly asking for sanctions to be removed against Zimbabwe. They were harming ordinary people he said. This was a principled position and we were all rightly delighted when Tsvangirai began to say what all of us had known for a very long time. How great was our disappointment when Wikileaks made it clear that all Tsvangirai had been saying in public as regards sanctions was mere posturing. In private he was telling the Americans to keep the sanctions fire burning hot. Such is the world we live, politicians lie.

Now coming to the matter of Tendai Biti’s home being bombed. When I first heard news of the supposed bombing I quickly imagined a gaping mortar hole in the perimeter wall or a powerful explosive device that failed to detonate properly but would otherwise have killed everyone within a 20 metre radius. Not so dear reader. A picture speaks a thousand words…

Many believe that a powerful explosion rocked Biti's home... the pictures tell us otherwise

Now I am sure all of you can see that flowers no less than a metre away survived this mighty explosion. The mighty explosion with which the Zimbabwean security Chiefs tried to kill Biti and his family. What nonsense.

The reader must remember our history. Are these the same security chiefs who bombed civilian targets in Salisbury until the overly confident Ian Smith, who had once boasted that the white minority would never accept majority rule even in a thousand years, was forced into submission? Are these the same security chiefs that relieved Patrick Kombayi of his manhood after a frenzied machine gun attack when the man foolishly dared to stand against the powers that be? And today these notorious security chiefs suddenly turn to amateurish petrol bombs that can’t even destroy delicate flowers? Surely Zanu PF has lost its killer touch.

If only it were so but it is not, the fact here is that the MDC is lying outright in an effort to score cheap political points at the next SADC meeting.

This episode is so silly I cannot bear to engage my mind and set out a fully dialectical argument. A few questions will suffice:

1. Why did the security chiefs throw the bomb at Biti’s perimeter wall, did they believe he was sleeping behind the wall? How would this kill him?
2. Did these security chiefs not know that Biti was not at home? They would know this if they really were from the dreaded CIO.
3. Why did they use an ineffective petrol bomb? Are they not skilled in explosives being military men as they are?
4. Why would they kill Biti while allowing the head of the snake, Tsvangirai, to live? Biti’s actions as Finance ministers obviously have the blessing of his party. Eliminating him solves nothing, the next MDC minister would still carry on the party policy.

I could carry on but this conversation is just too silly to even taken seriously.

One thing is clear though, if Zanu PF ever decides to kill you it is unlikely you will live to speculate on the matter.

I laughed myself sore this morning. Taken from the Daily News:

“A day after a powerful explosion rocked his Harare home, a traumatised Finance Minister Tendai Biti said

he was considering quitting the inclusive government.” A powerful explosion, which one?

“The tearful Biti also told the Daily News last night that he feared that the country’s partisan securocrats were out to kill him and his family.” Oh I’m sure Biti was sobbing his heart out.

I applaud the MDC for their change in tactics, they are becoming more cunning. What they need now is to perfect their execution and stop makings fools of themselves.

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